Culture type Manor house

Companies with the Manor House culture type represent tradition, reflected in their professional interactions and precision in work processes. New proposals from employees are analytically reviewed and thoughtfully considered before implementation to ensure seamless integration into established processes.
Problem-solving processes follow a systematic approach to ensure long-term stability and efficiency. For major business decisions, the company adopts an economically driven strategy while simultaneously striving to make a positive contribution to society. Employees are provided with fixed workspaces, available to them during structured working hours. The company places great emphasis on employees being passionate about their tasks. While strong identification with the company culture is not a mandatory criterion for employment, it is viewed favorably when employees share similar values.
Leaders actively support their teams in achieving high-quality results, valuing and encouraging strong opinions and unconventional ideas in the pursuit of goals. The feedback culture is tailored to individual needs throughout collaboration, and additional coaching measures are offered to enhance motivation. Employees also have access to a wide range of training opportunities to pursue their individual goals. The work environment is characterized by a familial atmosphere marked by respect and friendliness, with informal exchanges highly valued. Employees feel appreciated for their personalities, enabling them to openly discuss personal topics in the workplace. At team events, employees value activities that foster creative idea generation and create a positive atmosphere that strengthens team spirit.