Culture type Wind Turbine

Companies with the Windmill culture type are rooted in tradition, reflected in professional interactions and precision in work processes. New proposals from employees are analytically reviewed and thoroughly considered before implementation to ensure seamless integration into existing processes.
Problem-solving processes follow a systematic approach to ensure long-term stability and efficiency. At the same time, these companies exhibit occasional agility, encouraging employees to utilize their skills when innovative thinking is required. For major business decisions, the company adopts an economically driven approach while also striving to make a positive contribution to society. Employees are provided with a fixed workspace available during structured working hours.
The company places great importance on employees being passionate about their tasks and showing interest in the company’s values. However, identifying with the company culture is not a mandatory requirement for employment. Leaders actively support their teams in achieving high-quality results, encouraging strong opinions and unconventional ideas to reach goals. The feedback culture is tailored to individual needs throughout the collaboration, and additional coaching measures are offered to enhance motivation. The work environment is characterized by a blend of traditional values and modern approaches, maintaining a balance between formal structures and informal exchanges. Employees feel valued for their personalities, enabling them to openly discuss personal topics in the workplace. At team events, employees appreciate activities that foster creative idea generation as well as a lively and celebratory atmosphere that strengthens team spirit.